24 trackway
24 track way is a platform for GPS live tracking. fully integrated system for GPS and car tracking though Satellite. Helping transportation industry and fleet management system to control their resources easily.
allow monitoring drivers and daily operation is accurate and fast. 24 trackway with enhanced features for tracking GPS devices with different types of reports that can generated automatically on periodic basis.
24 trackway can retrieve your device history with path track simulation on real time or on virtual time with different speed on actual road map.
20+ Years of experience
24 trackway working with professional teams from GPS and communication engineers to achieve best reliability and performance.
using Cloud solutions with distributed system for extendibility and availability of system resources.
24 trackway support team are working to insure of system efficient and tracking reliability of the system.
Software and UX engineers working continually to improve the user experience and adding new features.
currently we have local representing office in USA & Saudi arabica and Egypt.
Why (24 track way) ?
Our clients is our success partners and our distributers are the main arms.
24 Trackway provide professional advanced services for GPS tracking with good user experience.
easily use of advanced options
professional service with reasonable price
Technical support and consultation servcies
continues improving and development for Maintenance management and drivers variolations
specials offers through our partners

تجارب وشهادات العملاء

لقد ساتخدمنا 24trackway لمدة سنتين حتي الان ووجدنا من فريق العمل الاهتمام بالتحسينات التي نقترحها ومساعدتنا في انشاء انواع التقارير المختلفه التي نطلبها .
ونسعد بالستمرار بعهم للسنه الثالثه علي التوالي
مدير ادارة النقل
يوليو 2021

من الجميل ان تجد من يهتم براي العميل بشكل فعلي ومن يساعدك في تحسين اداء فريقك .. شكرا 24 تراك واي
مدير التشغيل

كانت هناك العديد من مشاكل السائقين عدم ضبط المواعيد واستهلاك زائد للوقود وكذلك الكثير من شكاوي اولياء الامور حول السرعة .. ولكن بعد استخدام 24trackway (GPS tracking)
تم حل هذه المشاكل واصبحت بالفعل تحت السيطرة والتحكم من فريق المراقبة والجوده .
شكرا فريق عمل 24trackwayمدير النقل في المدارس